Calendar of IPATA Events

IPATA Events Last Updated: 10-17-24
March- April (Tentative TBA) IPATA Regional Meetings - Locations to be Announced
May (TBA) IPATA Spring Board Meeting
Oct 31- Nov 3 IPATACon 2025, (Bangkok, Thailand)
Oct 2-5 IPATACon 2026, (Vancouver, Canada)

IPATA International Conference

IPATA has been holding international conferences since its conception in 1979, with members attending from around the globe.

Topics change as the pet shipping industry changes, but the purpose is always the same - to share, learn, and network - the vital keys to providing more professional services to our clients and the pet shipping industry.

The IPATA International Conference is open to IPATA pet shipping members and Member & Non-Member industry partners such as airlines, airports, government agencies, and suppliers of goods and services to the pet shipping industry.

Join Us!

Conference registration includes:

Attendance at the Icebreaker Reception on Friday evening Lunches and morning/afternoon breaks
Attendees have access to all of the presentations during the conference Annual Meeting
The Gala Event held the evening the conference closes, which includes the Awards presentations, Dinner, and More Handouts from the speakers (when available)
Networking is encouraged through open forum discussions and activities.
Face to Face (one-on-one) appointments with airline representatives and other vendors.
Sharing of brochures and other company materials among conference attendees.

IPATA Regional Meetings

The regional meetings provide an opportunity to unite IPATA members in each region around a common set of goals and values, while fostering a shared understanding of how the parties can work together as a team towards the betterment of the pet shipping industry. After a regional meeting is held a summary of the meeting and attendee list will be posted in the IPATA Members Only Section under the Regions once it is received from the Regional Director.


Registration for the conference is for members only. Applications for membership must be received in time to process before the conference.
See information on joining IPATA's global network!

Visa Requirements

Please note: Many countries require a visa for visitors. Please see this website to see if you will need a visa to the next meeting.

Each meeting attendee is responsible for insuring they have a visa authorizing them to travel to the country where a meeting is being held. IPATA is not responsible nor liable for travel being denied due to the lack of the appropriate visa and any registration fees paid will not be refunded. However, an attendee may register for a meeting and if the consulate or embassy denies their visa prior to the start of their travel, then a refund of registration fees may be possible; please email for details.
